Penthouse 3 is a 6 bedroom, 6-and-a-half-bathroom residence with a formal dining room, a library, and two pretty terraces. The dramatic foyer opens to the larger of the two terraces, which flows into the cozy library with a fireplace. The corner living room opens to a charming terrace connected to the formal dining room. The dining room is an architecturally special moment, with its curved and beautifully detailed corners.
The large, beautifully designed, kitchen has a west facing picture window, an island, and room for a table or sitting area. The kitchen is calm and inviting with white cabinets and island and open accent shelves in warm light oak. Countertops and backsplash slabs are Italian Statuario Extra honed, with subtle veining. There are two sinks and two dishwashers. Appliances are by Wolf and Sub-Zero and the kitchen features a custom hood by AD100 designer Yellow House Architects, which vents to the outside, a speed oven, steam oven, a full-height wine fridge and lots of pantry space. A full laundry room with side by side washer and vented dryer and a big sink.
The corner primary suite bedroom has great closets and a five-fixture bath. The classic white primary bath with an elegant light oak vanity has a heated Dolomiti marble floor in a herringbone pattern as well as Dolomiti stone on the walls. The steam shower has a rain shower, a regular shower and a hand shower and a built-in stone bench. The freestanding tub in the primary bath sits nestled under an architectural arch with an east facing window. All fixtures are by Lefroy Brooks and the toilet is by Toto. There are four additional bedrooms, all with open views, and ensuite baths.
200 East 75th Street’s interior architecture and design is by Elizabeth Graziola and her team at Yellow House Architects and has the ambiance of a very special boutique hotel. Beyer Blinder Belle is the architect of record and responsible for the building’s handsome exterior. With just 36 residences and chic and playful amenities and design, it’s unlike any other building on the Upper East Side. The lobby has large arched windows and a mural by the artist, Dean Barger, who made the bar at Le Coucou so famously beautiful. A porte-cochere, accessible from the lobby, allows easy pick-ups and drop offs. Amenities include a landscaped garden complete with a cozy outdoor fireplace. The garden is connected to a wood paneled Salon by beautiful casement doors. The Salon has a large library table, clublike banquette seating and a sitting room with fireplace and large screen television. On the other side of the garden is the Billiards Room with a pool table and oak and leather walls. A catering kitchen, cinema, and virtual sports (golf, soccer, hockey, baseball) room round out the first floor of amenities. There is also a music room with a recording studio, a children’s playroom, a teen room, a Fitness Center with yoga room and infrared sauna, a pet washing room and, last but definitely not least, a roof terrace with great views, comfortable seating, dining and a full outdoor kitchen. 200 East 75th is a full service, luxury building designed to make you feel like every day is a vacation day.
Images are artist renderings. The complete offering terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor, file number CD23-0158.
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